Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking back on my year of joy...

It's been quite a year, 2013 has - full of fun, new things and plenty of joy!

Here are some of the lessons learned, things that challenged me, and joyful experiences this year brought:

January 1, 2013 - I began the day by watching the 124th Rose Parade from Pasadena, California. This year's theme was, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" based on the Dr. Seuss book. What a great theme for the parade and for my year! I went to several places: Cuba, southern Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Montana/Wyoming/Idaho, and all over Europe!

Another plus to today was the temperature - right around zero and sunny. My friend Melinda and I went for our first cross-country ski of the season, and it was quite enjoyable! Finally, in the evening I watched a special presentation of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra that takes place each year at the Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria. I visited this beautiful concert venue during my first trip to Europe and it was such a treat to be part of the audience once again!

March 2013 - The movie playing on my flight to Cuba was called Chasing Mavericks. I had never heard of it before, and less than enthusiastically began watching it only to be sucked into a drama about an average boy who had a very big dream: to surf mavericks - the largest waves in the world. This boy continued to dream, grow, and train to relentlessly pursue his goal. He wouldn't settle, wouldn't be dissuaded by anyone, and kept his eye on the prize - eventually achieving his goal and conquering many more. I was quite amazed by this rather unassuming movie about surfing, cried tears of joy and sadness, and continue to be challenged to dream big!

September/October 2013 - I traveled to Italy for my dream 40th birthday trip, and it truly was a dream come true! While in Italy I heard over and over again, "Live!", "Live Life!", "Enjoy Life!", "Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!)" It's so simple really, but we don't do it. We get bogged down in the shoulda, coulda, woulda's and only every seem to mire in the mundane. Well, no more. I'm going to live life and enjoy life!

December 2013 - In the days leading up to Christmas, I watched another movie that really made an impact on me: Secondhand Lions. In this movie we meet two older men who didn't want to stop living, but had nothing to live for anymore. Nothing, until a great-nephew who needed them showed up at their door. The men began to live again, if only in the stories of their adventure they told to young Walt. And, wouldn't you know, Walt had an affect on them too - they had lived their lives to the full in their youth, and Walt challenged them to keep living (after all, their lives weren't over yet!). The last two lines of the movie are very special:

Sheik's Grandson to Adult Walter: "They really lived?"
Adult Walter to Sheik's Grandson: "They REALLY lived!"

Wow! What a challenge to drink deeply of life, live life to the full, and live life out loud. John 10:10 has been my favourite verse for the last decade. In the Amplified Version it says, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." That's my goal! That's what I want!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's the 1st anniversary of my blog - it's 12/12/13!

Last year on 12/12/12, I began this blog. It was a bit of a whim and a bit of a great plan I had yet to see unfold.

I had ambitions of creating and crossing all 40 items off my list in a single year, and a great feat that would have been. I have seen too many years - especially summers - whiz by on me while I'm left with thoughts of, "I wish I would have done this or that." This year, I surpassed my goals, my expectations and had many new and fun experiences. Was it worth it? Oh yes, it was! Do I want to see and do and experience more? You bet, I do!

So, here's the plan... In this, my 40th year, I hope to finish off my '40 Things' list and also do these 10 bonus items I've come up with:

41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.
47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.
50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.