I think most of us have one or two things we'd like to try at any given time, but when you attempt to expand that to ten or twenty (or forty!) items, it's a little difficult. Sometimes you get stuck on one theme and can't see anything else on the horizon and other times the ideas just flow. Well, here's to you and me getting those things on a list and then doing them!
The '40 Things' List
1. Go snowshoeing.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.