Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 Goals!

I was introduced to Dave Ramsey's principles to get out of debt in January 2018. To keep motivated while paying down my debt, I often watch his clips on YouTube. Lately, I've seen several videos about setting goals - it's that time of year, you know.

Ramsey recommends creating goals for each of the following seven areas: physical (health, exercise, weight, achievements), intellectual (read, study, learn something new), career, social, financial, family/relationship (one example I heard was about putting the phone away when the family is all together), and spiritual goals.

The next step is to make them SMART goals. When goals aren't specific or measurable, they are only wishes. Do you want goals or are you happy to wish your days and year away?

While not exactly as shown in the image below, I've heard SMART goals described this way:

S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevant
T - timely

The written component is very important too. When goals are not written down (or shared), how do you keep yourself accountable?

So, with all that said, here are my 2019 SMART goals in each of the seven categories:
  1. Physical - lose 20 pounds this year; run a 5K
  2. Intellectual - read at least one non-fiction book each month
  3. Career - research one career or field of study that interests me per month
  4. Social - meet with one friend per month that I haven't caught up with in far too long
  5. Financial - be completely out of debt by the end of June (six more months!)
  6. Family/relationship - TBD
  7. Spiritual - TBD
I haven't come up with any specific or measurable goals for two of my categories, but I'm not going to let that hold up my post. I'll plan to do an update at some point this year - maybe then I'll have something to add to these outstanding categories.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: The Year of Hope!

Happy New Year!

I'll keep this post short and sweet. My 2019 word of the year is...

Last night (New Year's Eve 2018), these verses from Lamentations 3:21-26 kept coming to mind. May they encourage you and bring you hope too!

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

May God bless you richly and fill you with hope this year!