Friday, July 31, 2015

#28 - Explore Regina's Backyard - see what's just outside the city limits

I've wanted to check out what was just outside the city limits for years. And it's not that I never leave the city, but I don't usually drive for less than 30 minutes when I do. When I see a sign for something that captures my interest I tend to think, "That looks interesting. I'll have check it out another time." But you know what? I never have. If I don't write it down or make a plan, then I don't seem to do those things that would be fun and yet somehow never make it to the top of my to-do list.

Thankfully I have good friends who are either up for adventures or invite me along on theirs. That was the case this time. My friend Melinda recently discovered an area called Wascana Trails just northwest of the city and invited me to go with her this time. I said yes and am so very glad I did.

Wascana Trails is located in a portion of the beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley in southern Saskatchewan, and it's so peaceful and quiet you'd never know that you're only about 15-20 minutes from the city limits. I'll let my pictures do the talking now, and I encourage you to see what's just outside 'your normal area' as well. You never know... You might just find a gem like I did!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2015 Vision Board

I've been thinking I should share a little something with you. Back in January I made up my first [what I'll call a] vision board. On it I included my verse for the year, some things I wanted to do, and a few things I was hoping might happen.

Truth be told, a lot of the things on my vision board aren't happening, or aren't happening the way I thought they would. But just like my '40 Things & More' list, if I didn't have it, I most certainly wouldn't be accomplishing much of anything. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

2nd Quarter Update

It's that time again... Another three months have gone by and a quarterly update is due. I haven't crossed that much off my list yet this year, but there's still time. I wonder what the next three months will hold for me?

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before.