Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Drop Zone!

Remember #50 on my list: "It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself"? Well, it presented itself... Enter The Drop Zone!

I have decided to take part in the Easter Seals Drop Zone this year and challenge myself to rappel down all 21 storeys of Hill Tower II in downtown Regina on August 25th in support of Easter Seals.

I need your help though... In order to rappel, I need to raise $1,500 - the average price of sending one child to Camp Easter Seal for a week. Easter Seals allows Saskatchewan children with both physical and mental disabilities to attend and enjoy summer camp without barriers.

If you want to support Easter Seals and see me go down one of Regina's tallest buildings, please sponsor me. You get to stay on the ground, and I get to rappel down all 21 storeys of one of the tallest buildings in Regina!

Thanks in advance for your support!

Jill Laycock - Drop Zone Regina 2018