Thursday, August 22, 2019

Weird, but good!

Something was different today, and it took me most of the day to figure out what.

It was usually around the 22nd of the month that payment on my line of credit was due. And this month - for the first time in years! - I had no payment to make! Woohoo! It was strange and wonderful, and weird but good - oh, so good!

In case you haven't heard yet...

  I ' M   D E B T   F R E E ! ! !


Monday, August 5, 2019

#86 - Get out of debt

The last few years of paying off my debt has been a L-O-N-G journey and a hard journey. I am slightly ashamed to say that although I dug this hole of debt all by myself, I really wanted (and was half hoping, half expecting) someone else would get me out of it. Now that's mature thinking, isn't it?

Once I finally decided this was my mess to clean up and really leaned into it, I began to see my situation change. I am incredibly pleased to say I finished paying off my debt in 19 months!

Was it easy? Certainly not. Was it fun? Definitely not. Was it worth it? Oh yes!