Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Item #21 - Try an activity that's new to me

On our last day in Yellowstone National Park, Penny and I did a couple of hikes in the mountains - the first to the falls and the second to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone!

Our first hike had me huffing and puffing a bit, even though it wouldn't be daunting to most. The elevation has a lot to do with it as I'm used to the 'flat-as-a-pancake' prairie land of Saskatchewan. I didn't lag too far behind on hike #1, so determined I was up for a second hike.

Hike #2 was a little more challenging however... It was a 600 foot hike down on switchbacks, and therefore also a 600 foot hike back up on switchbacks. It wasn't too bad going down, but the trip back up had me lagging, huffing and puffing, drinking water like it was going out of style, and so forth. Seniors passed me, people carrying children passed me, but I persevered. Fortunately, the 'hike' was more than worth it as we were rewarded with absolutely spectacular views of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone!

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