Sunday, July 16, 2017

Canada 150: Fort Walsh National Historic Site

Fort Walsh was a complete surprise to me - from the road to the scenery to the location - and I loved it! This gem was tucked in the very corner of southwestern Saskatchewan right against the Alberta border.

But first, let me tell you about getting there... We traveled on a narrow road that twists and turns its way through the prairies, alongside a variety of crops, and up and down gentle rolling hills. Then, all of a sudden, you face pastureland and a veritable forests of trees! I didn't think there were any trees in this part of Saskatchewan!

Following that, you then travel up a mountain-like hill with sharp twists and turns along the way. Then you reach a plateau and see cattle grazing! Where were we???

The terrain was not only completely unfamiliar but also it was so unexpected - it seemed there was a surprise around every corner!

Finally, we arrived. We were excited and full of anticipation! The next step was our trek down to the fort!

We arrived just in time for a tour and saw some interesting things as we learned the history of the area.

Because we visited on Canada Day, there were a few extra "treats" as well - everything from the cannon being shot to sun-steeped iced tea and birthday cake!


All in all, it was a completely wonderful experience, and I'd return to this stunningly beautiful part of the province any time!

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