Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Drop Zone - The Practice Run!

Last night I attended my mandatory practice session for the Drop Zone. I must admit my heart hasn't been into the Drop Zone like it was at first (fundraising can take a toll), but afterwards I was back in the game!

Just how the timing went, I showed up for my allotted spot then waited for about 40 minutes on those scheduled before me - apparently most of us needed the same size harness and there were only two of that size! On the plus side, I got to listen to the instructions and watch other people rappel multiple times before it was my turn. I like to be as prepared as possible, so this was perfect for me.

Finally, it was my turn! "Step up to the edge," they said. "Not looking forward!" said I. Inching my way backward, I got to the edge. "Sit back," they said. "Are you kidding?!?" said my brain.

Turns out getting in position was the hardest part! Look at me go!

Almost there...

And down! Ta-da!

I did a couple more practice rappels after this first one. The goal of the practice was for us to be as comfortable with rappelling as possible. And now they tell me I'm ready. I guess I am. Bring on Drop Zone Day!

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