Thursday, July 3, 2014

#4 - Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before

On my way back home from Edmonton, I decided to take the scenic route so I could see some new territory.

On Highway 16 between Lloydminster and the Battlefords, I turned south on Highway 21 and headed to Unity. This was a little place I knew nothing about except that my aunt had worked in the bank there for a time. I was surprised that it was such a picturesque drive - there were lush green, rolling hills and beautiful views as I made my way to this small town.

On the outskirts of Unity was a heritage museum. I ended up stopping here for a lunch break and then strolled around the grounds before getting back on the road again. I was impressed by the number of buildings on the museum grounds and know I need to return one day to give it a much more thorough tour.

On my way out of Unity I was very surprised to pass by the Sifto Salt Plant. I had no idea this even existed in Saskatchewan and here it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere!

From Unity I headed east to on Highway 14 to Wilkie and then southeast to Biggar, Saskatchewan.

Wilkie was a pretty little town and again one I'd like to stop in and see a bit more of sometime. I was impressed that it's history was well preserved in old buildings and a museum right in the middle of town. It was also very tidy/well kept town and had a very interesting-looking church I'd like to explore.

Next up was Biggar. This was what I really wanted to see! Having been involved in the swimming club as a child, Biggar was one of the towns we competed with at swim meets. We always heard their slogan, "New York is big, but this is Biggar!" and I wanted to see it and the town myself.

After traveling through two very small places I was surprised at how big a town Biggar was. This is another place I need to spend more time in. I drove around the town a bit and found what I was looking for... tada!

I also found the Biggar museum which just happened to have a small gift shop, and I bought myself a postcard with the infamous saying on it. Task complete. Now I'll just have to plan an entire trip around these three Saskatchewan towns so I can investigate them further...

This scenic detour on an otherwise typical drive was enjoyable, interesting and surprising. You just never know what you may find or learn about a place. My goal is to do a bit more of this - take the detours and enjoy the surprises!

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