Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016: The Year in Review

My year of adventure was just that - being challenged at work and finding out I can do more than I thought I could, not one but two moves within the city including a house- and cat-sitting stint that all showed I could take more than I thought I could, and a whole lot of ground covered all over western Canada with my friend Melinda to celebrate her 40th birthday! Whew!

I wasn't able to get the sleep I needed with a new and demanding job due to noisy neighbours living below me, so I moved out of my apartment at the end of January. I moved into the basement of a house with a quiet family of four above me on the main floor. We operated on much the same schedule and got along well.

Around the three-month mark of working at the Court of Appeal, things started to click. My learning curve was steep, but I did well and was offered an extension because a second maternity leave was upcoming.

In the summer, I enjoyed living just half a block from the bike path. I walked and rode my bike quite a bit, mostly in preparation for… Melinda’s 40th Birthday Canadian Adventure Trip! I kept up to my active friend pretty well, and we both enjoyed the entire trip very much!

But I arrived home to an empty house! My quiet neighbours had left suddenly and I learned a family of six (yes, six!) was soon moving in.

On the November long weekend, Melinda and I joined approximately 100 others on a one-day charter flight to Churchill, MB to see the polar bears! This was Part 2 of her 40th Birthday Canadian Adventure Trip, and it has been a much-talked-about trip ever since. It was a pricey adventure but definitely an experience we will never forget!

My new neighbours forced a second move of the year, which was my return to downtown Regina. Economically, this was quite a beneficial move as I only had to walk two blocks to work.

It was quite a year! Adventure sounds fun, but it's exhausting. Can I take a break please?

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