Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017: The Year in Review

So how did my year of restoration go?

My position at the Court of Appeal was extended for an additional eight months to cover most of a second maternity leave. During this time, I worked for three different judges who kept me very busy and at times absolutely swamped!

Knowing my time in this job was short prompted a lot of soul-searching about what I should do with my life. Do I go back to my business full time? Do I look for another job? Do I go back to school? What would I take? Do I stay in Regina? In Saskatchewan? Is it time to spread my wings and fly? So many options...

Well, I chose to continue working full-time. At the end of July, I left the Court of Appeal and started a full-time permanent position with the Saskatchewan Municipal Board. And, my commute got shorter – now I only have to walk one block to work!

In November, I took TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) training through Oxford Seminars. I have wanted to do this for years, and it finally seemed to be the right time. The options are endless for tutoring or volunteering opportunities – or even teaching English overseas at some point!

Looking back, I can see that restoration took place with my job - going back to a full-time permanent position - and with a long-held desire to take the TESOL training. A long-time dream is to live overseas and perhaps this is the way I can do that!

What will the coming year bring?

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