Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: The Year in Review

Another year come and gone, hey? Well, it's been a delightful year... Much of 2015 was spent getting my business off the ground; however, plenty of fun was interspersed.

In July, we took our first family vacation ever as adults - a cruise from Anchorage, Alaska to Vancouver, BC to celebrate my dad’s 75th and my brother-in-law’s 40th birthdays. The highlight for me was Nugget Falls that fell nearby to Mendenhall Glacier, which was a short drive from Juneau. A walk through the woods took you a sandbar very close to the base of the falls. I was in awe being that close to something so powerful and beautiful!

In August, I attended church camp in Hungry Horse, Montana with my friend Korin. As we were just outside Glacier National Park, it was easy to explore a few different areas of it. The highlight here for me was a mountaintop meadow walk. I have seen many pictures of wildflower meadows in the mountains, and it was a special memory-making experience to walk through that setting.

In December, I finally attended the Dickens’ Festival in Carlyle. It was their 13th annual festival but my first time attending after wanting to go for years! My friend Patti and I went and enjoyed the shopping, period costumes and great food!

Although my year was delightful, it was not overly profitable. I began working full-time again in mid-December – filling a maternity leave for a year at the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan. Hopefully I'll catch on fairly quickly.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

It's 12/12/15 - the 3rd anniversary of my blog!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to my blog! It's been a successful year of crossing things off my '40 Things & More' list. I think I'll celebrate by adding some more items!

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before.
61. Write a book.
62. Watch the Rose Bowl Parade in person.
63. Attend a spring training baseball game.
64. Buy something at an auction.
65. Drive part of Route 66.
66. Attend the tulip festival in Ottawa.
67. See the Great Wall of China.
68. Visit Disneyland or Disney World.
69. See a lavender field in bloom.
70. Attend a ballet.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

#55 - Attend the Annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle

Attending this festival has been on my to-do list for many years and yesterday it finally happened! One of my website clients is the woman who heads up Women on the Go Tours (day trips by bus across southern Saskatchewan), so I knew who to talk to in order to get a seat. And, turns out Charles Dickens is the favourite author of one of my friends (Patti) - perfect!

We boarded the bus, sat back and enjoyed being chauffeured to Carlyle. Our first stop upon arrival was for High Tea. We donned hats, chose a seat and enjoyed the delectable treats (including Christmas pudding) set before us.

It was an unseasonably warm day, so we were able to easily wander all over the town and see the sights. Many local business owners dressed in traditional costumes - we even met Scrooge and Father Christmas!
We shopped til we dropped all afternoon, ate outside (smoked turkey drumstick anyone?) and stayed warm by a fire, and then were treated to a light parade.

Our last stop of the evening was to attend the annual production of A Christmas Carol. Each year, the play is rewritten, acted and produced by locals.

The day was fun, the town went all out to decorate and act the part, and I am so glad I finally got to experience the annual Dickens' Festival - in it's 13th year!

What are you doing the first weekend in December? Maybe you should go to Carlyle!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday wish this year is to add more items to the '40 Things & More' list. Here they are...

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before.
61. Write a book.
62. Watch the Rose Bowl Parade in person.
63. Attend a spring training baseball game.
64. Buy something at an auction.
65. Drive part of Route 66.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It's T-10 days until my birthday!

Wow! This month is not only flying by, but really snuck up on me! I can't believe it's only 10 days until my birthday! It must be the fantastic fall weather we've been having - until today, that is. I'm still hoping it will warm up enough to melt and I can have what would be only my sixth (I think) birthday without snow. It's been a while since I've had a brown birthday, so that would be pretty special.

It's been quite a year. I'm closing in on my first year of being an entrepreneur and that's gone pretty well. I've shared some special times with family and friends, and I've very much enjoyed having a summer free to do whatever I wanted to - after the work is done, of course.

As I look back over the posts I've done this year, what stands out to me is that almost everything I crossed off my list has to do with getting outside and enjoying the great outdoors. Interesting. It's not something I've made a big priority before, and I really enjoyed all the experiences I had this year. Here's to many more in the coming year!

Monday, October 5, 2015

3rd Quarter Update

And another three months has gone by, so it's time for an update! How am I doing on my '40 Things & More' list? Well, I crossed a couple items off the list but still have a ways to go. We'll see what this next quarter holds for me...

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before.

Friday, September 25, 2015

#60 - Visit a US National Park I Haven't Been to Before

This fall my friend Korin and I traveled to Montana to attend a family camp and have a bit of a vacation. While I've been through Montana a couple of times, I hadn't been to this particular area - that around Glacier National Park.

Despite not one but two forest fires raging in the park, hazy conditions on some days that blocked the views and stunning scenery, very hot temperatures (in the mid to high 30s!), and it being the driest year on record in 100 years, Glacier National Park was still a very beautiful place to visit and explore.

With it being so dry this year, water levels were low everywhere. On our way through the park on the Going to the Sun Road, we stopped and ate our makeshift picnic lunch at an area where the riverbed was over half dry. We enjoyed the peace and tranquility the park and that particular area offered.

Another highlight came the next day when we did a hike to the Hidden Lake Overlook from the Logan Pass Visitor Center. First, I have seen many pictures of fields of wildflowers in the mountains, but I had never seen the real thing. When I did, I was in awe. It was so beautiful! And secondly, it was a long hike, but the view of Hidden Lake from the overlook was absolutely amazing!

On a free day we drove to Whitefish to explore that area. We had a fun day here and I definitely got out of my comfort zone - first with taking the ski lifts to the top of the mountain, then to feeling like a kid again on an alpine slide, and finally to do a walk in the treetops which got to as high as 70 feet up in the air. It was the hottest day (over 100 degrees!) and there wasn't a lick of wind, but I drank I don't know how many bottles of water to stay hydrated, pushed myself to the limit, and I made it. (Note: I've had heat exhaustion more than once and it makes you extra sensitive to heat from then on.)

Following camp, we spent a couple of extra days in the Glacier National Park area and I had my first actual camping experience in years. Korin loves camping! I like camping as well - in hotels and with running water. In spite of this, we had a good time and I enjoyed my first (and probably not last) camping experience at a KOA Campground. Check out our cute little cabin!

On our last full day in the area, we drove back into the national park to do a hike. We had almost had an experience with a bear a couple days previous, so I was in no frame of mind to go for a hike in the woods when there was a chance we might meet him again or come across one of his close relatives. But Korin wanted to go for a hike in the woods and didn't feel her trip would be complete without that, so off we went. Her words to me were, "What's the worst that could happen?" "Oh, let me give you a few scenarios..." I thought.

Anyway, to make a long story (and an even longer blog post) short, we had a great hike, saw some amazing natural sights, did not see a bear, and came across a beautiful hidden lake (Johns Lake) in the course of our travels. It was worth it. The End.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Summertime Delight!

It's hard to believe the year is almost 2/3 over, isn't it? As I spent another couple days outside this weekend, what sunk in for me was the fact that I am delighting in my freedom this year, particularly this summer.

After spending the previous three years at a job where summer was the 'crazy' season, I am now getting the chance to enjoy a summer - and I am! What surprised me today is how tanned I have become. It's been quite a while since I've had this much colour, especially on my legs (which normally remain quite white) and my feet.

This year of delight has not been what I expected, but it has been good - very good! In fact, it's delightful!

Friday, July 31, 2015

#28 - Explore Regina's Backyard - see what's just outside the city limits

I've wanted to check out what was just outside the city limits for years. And it's not that I never leave the city, but I don't usually drive for less than 30 minutes when I do. When I see a sign for something that captures my interest I tend to think, "That looks interesting. I'll have check it out another time." But you know what? I never have. If I don't write it down or make a plan, then I don't seem to do those things that would be fun and yet somehow never make it to the top of my to-do list.

Thankfully I have good friends who are either up for adventures or invite me along on theirs. That was the case this time. My friend Melinda recently discovered an area called Wascana Trails just northwest of the city and invited me to go with her this time. I said yes and am so very glad I did.

Wascana Trails is located in a portion of the beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley in southern Saskatchewan, and it's so peaceful and quiet you'd never know that you're only about 15-20 minutes from the city limits. I'll let my pictures do the talking now, and I encourage you to see what's just outside 'your normal area' as well. You never know... You might just find a gem like I did!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2015 Vision Board

I've been thinking I should share a little something with you. Back in January I made up my first [what I'll call a] vision board. On it I included my verse for the year, some things I wanted to do, and a few things I was hoping might happen.

Truth be told, a lot of the things on my vision board aren't happening, or aren't happening the way I thought they would. But just like my '40 Things & More' list, if I didn't have it, I most certainly wouldn't be accomplishing much of anything. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

2nd Quarter Update

It's that time again... Another three months have gone by and a quarterly update is due. I haven't crossed that much off my list yet this year, but there's still time. I wonder what the next three months will hold for me?

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

#24 - Visit a Park in Regina I Haven't Been to Before

Would you believe I have been trying to cross this item off my list for two full years? It's not that there aren't a lot of different parks I could visit in the city and haven't in the meantime, but I have a friend who has a special tie to one of the newer parks in the city. It's been all about schedules conflicting the last two summers that prevented this visit from taking place until now. But without further ado, I present Krahn Park!

Krahn Park is located in the very northwest part of Regina in a fairly new neighbourhood, and the park was named after Evelyn Krahn. Pictured here is one of her granddaughters Mira, who was my host and tour guide for our visit to Krahn Park.

If you'd like to visit a park that's new-to-you in the city, check out this new resource I recently came across: City of Regina Parks Map. On this map, you can type in an address and parks near that address will show up, or you can also search parks by name or an activity available at a park. 

Now go explore! There are so many parks to choose from in Regina - and a number of new ones. Don't forget to comment and tell me which parks you've visited!

Friday, June 19, 2015

#44 - Visit The Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan

Visiting the Great Sandhills has been on my list of things to see for a number of years, so even though it hasn't been on my '40 Things & More' list very long, it has been a long time in coming. It was a recent visit from my sister that spurred us on to cross this item off my list next.

The morning began early; we had a long drive ahead of us. It would be 4 hours plus to reach a little place called Sceptre, Saskatchewan - the gateway to the Great Sandhills. We had a pleasant and uneventful drive, arriving in Sceptre right around 12:30 p.m.

Our stop in Sceptre was at the Great Sandhills Museum where we planned to get a map and eat our packed picnic lunch before heading to our destination.

We were impressed by what we could see just inside the museum and paid our admissions to do a quick tour. The museum was very well done, spectacularly well thought out and organized, and truly a pleasure to look through. We walked back in time on boardwalks in front of the train station mural and set, and explored everything from a classroom to a hospital room to a barn with horse stalls - all inside the museum. Really, it is a must-see and well worth your time to go.

After our museum visit we wolfed down our sandwiches in my car instead of the lovely picnic area because it had gotten cool and very windy (read: not nice). And then, map in hand, we headed off to find the sand dunes.

The map was accurate in mileage, although not to scale. We managed though and found it very encouraging to see a sign saying "Sand Dunes" and pointing that-a-way at our last grid road turn. Soon the gravel roads turned to sand and we knew we were close.

Ta-da! We've made it! Now to climb that first hill and start exploring...

We got to the top, stuck our toes in the sand and were hooked! We had to see and experience more and a short hike rewarded us with this fun and this view.

After some fun poses and picture-taking, I pointed out to my sister that there were other people 'way over there' exploring even more and bigger dunes. "We have to go over there," I said. "We've driven so far to see this!" My sister wasn't so sure, so I pointed to a midpoint and said, "Let's go to that spot, see how long it takes us, and decide from there." That worked and off we went.

Once at that point we realized it really hadn't taken us all that long, so we decided to press on, follow the sandy trail and reach our goal - those big dunes in the distance!

It was worth it! We ooh-ed and aah-ed and climbed and climbed and climbed those dunes!

All we needed was a beach umbrella and the sound of lapping waves and we would have thought we were at the beach with all that sand. Alternatively, we also only needed a camel and could have been on the set of Lawrence of Arabia!

A certain someone (my sister) really enjoyed herself and might have thought she was on a beach vacation for a short time. She didn't want to leave...

The views were fabulous and although it was windy and cool (and rain was approaching), we were thankful for the cloud cover while on the dunes. And we did come away with slight tans... See, we must have been at a beach!

We are so glad that we went, explored, and enjoyed the Great Sandhills. We had a wonderful time!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's My Annual Un-birthday Post!

Happy May 28th! I'm 41 and 1/2 today!

You may wonder where this 'un-birthday' thing came from... Well, I read about it in a book. I no longer remember what book, but I know it really struck me as a great idea when I came across it. Maybe it was the fact that it would be possible to have something to celebrate in a much warmer month of the year than my birthday month of November - in Canada. Yep, that was probably it. :)

I wish I could tell you that I've crossed off a number of things on my '40 Things & More' list since the last time I posted, but I cannot because I have not. Not yet. Stay tuned though. Summer's coming and I plan on crossing off some more items real soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

1st Quarter Update

With the turning of the calendar from March to April it seems a good time to provide an update on the progress of my '40 Things & More' list. It seems spring is here (hopefully to stay!) and I look forward to getting outside and crossing a few more items off my list. :)

The '40 Things & More' List!

1. Go snowshoeing.
2. Serve a meal in a soup kitchen.
3. Eat something I've never tried before.
4. Visit a town in Saskatchewan that I've never been to before.
5. Plan my dream 40th birthday trip.
6. Start running again.
7. Visit a US state I haven't been to before.
8. Read a classic novel.
9. Create and complete a scrapbook for one of the trips I've taken in my 30s.
10. Do up a will.
11. Complete one of my cross-stitch projects.
12. Go kayaking.
13. Get my website business off the ground.
14. Take a self-defense class/course.
15. Go horseback riding.
16. Visit a museum or historic site in Saskatchewan that I haven't been to before.
17. Give blood regularly.
18. Attend a Victorian Tea.
19. Ride my bike in the city.
20. Stop and smell the flowers at a garden I haven't been to before.
21. Try an activity that's new to me.
22. Walk a portion of the Trans Canada Trail that I haven't been on before.
23. Learn more about my family history.
24. Visit a park in Regina I haven't been to before.
25. Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity.
26. Simplify some area of my life that needs simplifying.
27. Learn how to change a tire on a vehicle.
28. Explore Regina's backyard - see what's just outside the city limits.
29. Learn more about Canadian history.
30. Visit a natural site in Saskatchewan I haven't been to before.
31. Learn to play the guitar.
32. Visit a Canadian National Park I haven't been to before.
33. Climb Wascana Hill in Douglas Park and watch a sunset.
34. Visit the observatory at the Science Centre.
35. Attend Mosaic - a multicultural festival held annually.
36. Play my first solo concert on the bells.
37. Attend an outdoor movie event.
38. Go fly a kite!
39. Play a mini golf course I haven't been on before.
40. Go on dream 40th birthday trip!
41. Attend a Regina Red Sox baseball game.
42. Visit Saskatchewan's only lighthouse.
43. Run a 5K.
44. Visit the Great Sandhills in Saskatchewan.
45. Visit a Canadian province or territory I haven't been to before.
46. Attend the annual kite festival in Swift Current.

47. Visit a major US city I haven't been to before.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Try another activity that's new to me.

50. It's a surprise (even to me!) - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.
51. Take a ballroom dancing class.
52. Watch an old black & white movie I haven't seen before.
53. Experience a WARM birthday!
54. Experience a WARM Christmas! (not necessarily in the same year as the previous item)
55. Attend the annual Dickens' Village Festival in Carlyle.
56. See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba.
57. Visit the east coast of Canada.
58. Jump out of an airplane! (in tandem, of course!)
59. Experience a 4th of July in the United States.
60. Visit a US National Park I haven't been to before. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

#13 - Get my website business off the ground

This item sounds so easy and yet took me way longer than I ever thought it would. I've had this idea to do websites as a business for years, and it wasn't until last September that I began to make some significant progress on it.

Some of the more meaningful steps over the last 6-7 months include the following:

September 2014 - I became a member of Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan and signed up for their business planning course which was offered over eight weeks from September to November.

October 2014 - I quit my job at Wascana Centre Authority and created a Facebook Page for my business.

November 2014 - I registered my business name - Prairie Girl Websites & More - and registered for PST. My business cards arrived too!

December 2014 - I revamped and revised my website.

January 2015 - I submitted an application for a City of Regina Business Licence, registered for a GST number and set up a business bank account.

March 2015 - I received my 2015 City of Regina Business Licence. Ta-da!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

#25 - Participate in a fundraiser that involves a physical activity

Well, I never dreamt this would be the next item completed on my list... After all, it's the middle of winter!

You just never know what will happen and maybe, just maybe you (and especially I) should say yes to new and interesting opportunities before we over-think them too much. That's what I did with only a week's notice for a fundraiser called The Coldest Night of the Year (

A friend from a walking group I occasionally attend invited me to participate and I jumped in with both feet. Each participant could choose to pay a small entrance fee or commit to raising $150 each. I chose to fund raise and committed to raising $200. With less than a week left prior to the event I thought it might be a long shot to raise any money, but I reached the $200 mark in just a few days. The fundraising continued right up until the walk, and I was surprised to not only get more donations the day of the race but even had one come through after I had returned home. My total raised through online efforts was $400!

It was a bitterly cold day! In fact, out of 80 locations across Canada, we were the coldest - not that that's something to brag about though. Some precautions were taken to ensure everyone would be safe, but the walk went off without a hitch. We had a halfway stop at Souls Harbour Rescue Mission for coffee/tea and cookies and then a yummy chili supper was waiting for us when we returned.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed the entire experience and although I do not look forward to the cold, I am already anticipating next year's Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk in support of the homeless in our city.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

On perseverance...

I have an addendum to my year in review. In the last couple of weeks I have been inspired by not one, but two amazing examples of perseverance.

The first comes in the form of an orphan girl from Africa - someone who was despised, rejected and unwanted. At the age of three, this little girl found a magazine with a picture of a ballerina on it and somehow that picture gave her hope that life could be good. Against all odds this girl was adopted and grew up in America with a supportive family who helped her achieve her dream of becoming a ballet dancer.
To learn more about Michaela DePrince's story, I encourage you to watch a documentary entitled First Position which follows the stories of four young dancers vying for coveted scholarships in the ballet world. You can also read Michaela's new book Taking Flight which was co-written with her adoptive mom Elaine DePrince. (Click on the video clip below to view a trailer for the book.)

The second example of perseverance comes from the life of a 13-year-old girl named Bethany Hamilton who also beat incredible odds after a shark attack left her with one arm. Itching to get back to the water after her attack, she didn't let anything stop her from her dream of becoming a pro surfer. (Bethany's story is chronicled in the movie Soul Surfer.)
Now over ten years later, not only has Bethany achieved her dream, she has inspired young and old worldwide to follow their passions and not give up on their dreams. I had heard of Bethany's story, but not until I saw her and her new husband compete on The Amazing Race did I really begin to learn more about her story. Bethany has allowed God to use her story to bless and encourage countless others. She is a true inspiration!

If you are needing encouragement to keep going in your journey or if you simply would like to be inspired, I highly recommend the stories of both of these young women!

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Here are a couple of quotes from Michaela...
"If you have a passion for something, go for it! Never let anybody tell you that you can't do something." -- Michaela DePrince
"Never be afraid to be a poppy in a field of daffodils because that is the only way you can make it." -- Michaela DePrince
And I also have to share Bethany's favourite Bible verse. Considering Bethany's life, the promise of this verse is absolutely amazing!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015: The Year of Delight!

It's a new year and it's time for a new word - my theme for the year 2015 is delight!

Having grown up in a Christian home, a verse that always comes to mind when I hear the word delight is Psalm 37:4 which says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart" - and I believe this will be my verse to focus on this year.

As I look ahead to the coming weeks and months, I have a picture of what I think delight will mean to me - travel, fun, enjoyment, little to no stress, less pressure... But this is just my view. God sees all, knows all and is in all, and I've noticed that most of the time He does things quite differently than how I would.

Just like my year of joy was full of enjoyment and my year of perseverance was full of pushing through to grasp what was ahead, I look forward to seeing, watching and delighting in this coming year. Stay tuned for delightful updates the whole year through!